This is also known as Kadane's algorithm (here).
To quote from wikipedia: This problem was posed as a simplified model for maximum likelihood of patter matching in digitized images.In Computer Science this is a task to find a contiguous subarray within a 1-D array of numbers (containing at least 1 +tive number), which has the largest sum.
Here are a couple of approaches to solve this problem. The brute force method is to iterate over the array twice and sum up the contiguous cells until you find the block with the maximum sum. However the complexity of this algorithm O(n2).
Brute force method
int FindMaxSum( int[] array, int nSize, int& nMaxStartIndex, int& nMaxEndIndex) {int nMaxSum = INT_MIN;
nMaxStartIndex = 0;
nMaxEndIndex = nSize > ? nSize - 1 : 0;
if( nSize == 2 ) {
nMaxSum = array[ 0 ] + array[ 1 ];
else if( nSize == 1 ) {
nMaxSum = array[ 0 ];
else if( nSize == 0 ) {
nMaxSum = 0;
else {
int nCurrentSum = 0;
for( int i = 2 ; i < nSize; ++i ) {
for( int j = 0 ; j < nSize - i; j++ ) {
for( int k = j; k < k + i; k++ )
nCurrentSum += array[ k ];
if( nMaxSum < nCurrentSum ) {
nMaxSum = nCurrentSum;
nMaxStartIndex = j;
nMaxEndIndex = k;
return nMaxSum;
O(n) Algorithm
Obviously the above O(n2) is not preferred, that is why Jay Kadane came up with an approach which solves this in O(n) time. Here is a C++ implementation of the same.
int nMaxSum = INT_MIN;
int nCurrSum = 0;
int nCurrStartIndex = 0;
for( int nCurrEndIndex = 0 ; nCurrEndIndex < nSize; ++nCurrEndIndex ) {
nCurrSum += array[ nCurrEndIndex ];
if( nMaxSum < nCurrSum ) {
nMaxSum = nCurrSum;
nMaxStartIndex = nCurrStartIndex;
nMaxEndIndex = nCurrEndIndex;
if( nCurrSum < 0 ) {
nCurrSum = 0;
nCurrStartIndex = nCurrEndIndex + 1;
return nMaxSum;
I will soon update this thread to extend Kadane's algorithm to a 2-D array.
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